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As you consider the many areas in which you could purchase a home, undoubtedly one of the things which will strike you about Stoddard is its feel. It feels safe, quiet and reflects that quality we term “pride of ownership.” The reason Stoddard feels this way is because these are the qualities of this neighborhood, and it's one of the major functions of our Homeowners Association (HOA) to foster and promote those qualities which make Stoddard such a desirable place to live.


The directors of our HOA welcome homeowner comments, questions and suggestions. The directors’ names and contact numbers can be found on this website. We look forward to meeting and greeting you and extending our personal welcome to this special place we call Stoddard.


Check out our Calendar and Events page for community news and updates.


The Board of Directors
Stoddard Homeowners Association
P.O. Box 5254 ♦ Aloha, OR 97006

Stoddard Map
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